Streamlining Multilingual Content for Monta

Faced with the challenges of costly and time-consuming localization processes, Monta needed a more efficient approach to translate and deploy content across multiple languages. We identified and implemented AI-powered solutions to streamline this process, drastically reducing costs and speeding up content deployment. The outcome was a more agile and cost-effective system that supported Monta’s global expansion efforts.

Inside our

A long road, symoblize the process

Process and


The Solution

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High-Accuracy Translations at Lower Costs

We integrated DeepL into Monta’s WordPress environment, enabling fast, accurate translations while significantly reducing the cost of localizing content.


Consistent Terminology Across Languages

By developing and testing glossaries, we ensured that critical terms were translated consistently, enhancing the quality and reliability of the localized content.


Accelerated Market Entry

The new translation system enabled Monta to deploy fully localized help centers in just 2 days, supporting quicker market launches and better user responsiveness.




Case study image that shows the process

The Results

Darts bullseye

That Prove

Our Work

The Results

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90% Decrease in Translation Expenses

The streamlined process allowed for rapid content updates, improving user engagement and accessibility across Monta’s international markets.


Enhanced User Accessibility

The streamlined process allowed for rapid content updates, improving user engagement and accessibility across Monta’s international markets.


2-Day Help Center Launches

Monta can now launch a new help center in just 2 days, greatly accelerating their ability to enter new markets and meet user needs efficiently.


Case study image that shows the results


Frequently asked question

